Dynamic Ingress Blocker
The CAMS Dynamic Ingress Blocker provides active and continuous noise and ingress mitigation in the network and are typically deployed deep into the HFC network near the last amplifiers It features Proxilliant's patented Dynamic Ingress Blocking TM technology.

The dIb's performs noise and ingress reduction without impact on the network performance and or its services. Through the active, continuous suppression of signal-erosive ingress, the operator can insure a consistent high quality of service. The increased S/N ratio reduces packet-loss and provides a more robust network operation to enable increase bandwidth in the return path required for VoIP and next-generation advanced two-way services. The basic dIb provides:
- Active and continuous ingress/noise reduction of return path
- Enable continuous ingress analysis, characterization, and fault localization
- Indicative signal level monitoring
The dib is available as a stand alone unit and as a small sized plug-in module for easy integration into third party taps and amplifiers

Optionally the Dynamic Ingress Blocker can be equipped with a transponder. The transponder enables return path control and provides real-time HFC network health management by continuously monitoring and analyzing the signal levels in the return paths. Again the dIb performs these tasks without impact on the network performance and or its services. Through the active, continuous monitoring of the HFC health, the operator can insure a consistent high quality of service through the entire HFC network. The optional transponder provides:
- Three modes of Return Path Control:
1: Ingress/Noise reduction deactivated
2: Ingress/Noise Reduction activated
3: Return Path Blocked
- Continuous and reliable signal level monitoring and loss of signal
- Precision network balancing using upstream and downstream pilots from the dIb
- Extensive continuous ingress analysis, characterization, and fault localization